Pronator Teres Release in Durango & Pagosa Springs, CO
Nerve compression can be a frustrating and painful condition. Left alone, nerve compression may progress to a debilitating condition which compromises the function of the hand and may make the hand more prone to injury due to numbness. Pronator Teres Release is a surgery which is used to address compression of the median nerve at the location of the pronator teres in the forearm. There are multiple therapies available for the treatment of pronator teres syndrome ranging from stretching exercises to surgery. Dr. Williams completed an additional fellowship in Hand & Microsurgery; as such, he is a Hand Surgeon. Thus he is well qualified to help elucidate the cause of the symptoms which you are experiencing. Through his thorough history and examination, he can recommend extra testing that may need to be done as well as help you navigate the various treatment options which are available.
For more information on Pronator Teres Release, or to schedule a consultation, call Peak Rejuvenation at (970) 259-5990 or Request a Consultation.