Fat Transfer to the Breasts in Durango & Pagosa Springs, CO

What is Fat Transfer to the Breast Procedure?
Fat Transfer (fat grafting or autofat grafting) to the breast is a process by which the surgeon harvests fat from one part of the body (i.e. abdomen, flanks, buttocks) by a method such as liposuction. After harvesting the donor fat, the fat is washed, filtered, and then transferred to the breast(s). This technique may be used for women who desire a conservative increase in volume of the breasts and have little if no sagging of the breasts. Obviously, the patient would also need to have extra fat in other parts of the body to serve as donor fat. It is best used to enhance the top (upper pole) of the breast(s).
Men may also be candidates for fat transfer to the chest to enhance the look of their pectoralis or chest muscles.
How Long Will the Results Last?
Over time, the body accepts most of the transferred fat and develops new blood vessels in a process called neovascularization. The fat which remains after a recovery period of 6 to 9 months will last permanently. That being said, however, only 50 to 70% of the transferred fat will survive the neovascularization process. Because of this, Dr. Williams will generally transfer approximately 20 to 40% more fat than is needed to achieve the target volume.
Is Fat Transfer to the Breasts Safe?
Multiple studies have been carried out on the safety of fat transfer to the breasts and the studies have shown that the procedure is safe in terms of mammographic surveillance for abnormalities.
How Long Does the Procedure Take?
Because this procedure involves liposuction, many women desire greater reduction in the donor site to achieve an aesthetic contour of that site. As such, the procedure time may vary depending on the amount of liposuction performed. The process of simply harvesting fat and transferring it to the breasts, without extra liposuction, generally takes from 2 to 4 hours.
For more information on Fat Transfer to the Breasts, or to schedule a consultation, call Peak Rejuvenation at (970) 259-5990 or Request a Consultation.