Nipple Reduction in Durango & Pagosa Springs, CO

What is Nipple Reduction?
Excessively prominent or protruding nipples can be a normal variant of breast development and can also occur as a result of breastfeeding. While often normal, the condition can be a source of embarrassment. Nipple reduction surgery is a process by which the surgeon decreases the height and/or size of the nipple.
Types of Nipple Reduction
Depending on which plane of the nipple is prominent (height, width, etc.), there are various techniques to enhance the size and shape of the nipple.
Will Nipple Reduction Decrease or Increase My Ability to Breastfeed?
Due to the duct anatomy within the nipple, the surgical correction of prominent or protruding nipple correction will likely decrease your ability to breastfeed. Therefore, it is recommended that you complete your plans to breastfeed before correction.
What is Involved in Nipple Reduction?
If Dr. Williams determines that you are good candidate for the procedure, he will discuss the correction with you and help determine the type of anesthesia that is best for you. The procedure is often performed in the office under local anesthesia, meaning that you go home after the procedure. Typically, 1 to 2 follow-up appointments are necessary to check progress and healing.
For more information on Nipple Reduction, or to schedule a consultation, call Peak Rejuvenation at (970) 259-5990 or Request a Consultation.